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Customer Testimonials

Love these butters. Used my Gorgonzola-Scallion Butter on my Grilled Chicken-n-Spinach Flatbread. Delish! Used my Candied Pecan Butter on French Toast this morning and another winner! We are going to need a few more sticks...  J.Luster (Jacksonville, FL)
We used the Pumpkin Spice Butter while cooking French Toast this morning too and OMG! I must try more...
 Wykina H. (Jacksonville, FL)
I used the Garlic Butter for my Thanksgiving turkey and it was so flavorful and tender.  I didn't use much else.  My family loved it!!! Monica W. (Jacksonville, FL)
I used my Mixed Bell Pepper & Onion Butter to make my scrambled eggs to along with grits and good lawd, there was a party in my mouth.I never had flavored butter before and I'm seriously on cloud 9.  So far we have had the Mixed Bell Pepper & Onion, Cajun, Pumpkin Spice and Cinnamon-Sugar...all smiles in my house:) Wykina H. (Jacksonville, FL)
Used the Gorgonzola-Scallion Butter in my Golden Smashed Potatoes and my daughter lost her mind!! J.Luster (Jacksonville, FL)
I could eat the Banana-Strawberry Butter by itself...lol.  And I just put the Onion & Chives Butter on bread and it was good.  I used Jerk Butter on my turkey on Thanksgiving and it was so tender and juicy.  April T. (Indianapolis, IN)
These butters are a conversation piece.  Jackie (Fort Wayne, IN)

All I can say is it's the best butter.  It's for baking, cooking , whatever you want or need!!! There's a seafood boil butter, garlic, cajun, jerk.. you name it.  Also pumpkin, cinnamon, strawberry-banana, pina-colada and more.  Lisa A. (Philadelphia, PA)